How to control your oestrogen; The Sunday Show 23/3:

How to control your oestrogen; The Sunday Show 23/3:

Chris addresses one of the questions he is asked most often by patients - be they breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate or testicular cancer patients: 'How can I control my oestrogen levels?'

Dr. Rosy Daniels, when she was at the Bristol Cancer Centre (now Penny Brohn) desribed oestrogen as like "pouring petrol on the fire of cancer".

But did you know that oestrogen is not actually the problem? The problem is oestradiol, which can create havoc in healthy cells causing them to turn into cancer cells. Phytoestrogens are your friends - they cannot do this, but still patients are told to avoid soya, when it actually blocks the action of oestradiol - Yes, that's right. Soya is good! There are seven meta-analysis that all say soy makes Tamoxifen work better.

Chris will tell you Everything you need to know to reduce your dangerous oestrogen - oestradiol. Did you know Grapefruit and Seville oranges are bad for you; but lemons and their peel are on your side?

So what else can you do to help yourself if you have an Er+ve cancer?

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